
Brokenhurst Manor Golf Club

Mixed Open - 4BBB Stableford (13:15 - 14:15hrs)PM

Sunday 7th September 2025 - Brokenhurst Manor Golf Club,
Men play from Yellow Tees
Ladies play from Red Tees


Entry for afternoon session: 13:15 - 14:15.

Four Ball Better Ball Stableford Played off the Yellow and Red Tees.
Handicap index limited to: Men 22.5 and Ladies 26.3.
85% Handicap Allowance.

Entry fee: £120 per pair

Includes coffee on arrival, a meal after play and prizes.

Closing date: 28th July

Starting times: available from: 16th August

The competition will be split into two, subject to entries. This will give everyone the opportunity to play, enjoy their meal and stay for their prize giving without having to wait all day. Do come along and join us for a great day out.

The contact for this competition is Josh Effick

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