You should feel
safe and enjoy
your sport
Speak to your Club Welfare Officer Debbie Harris should you need any guidance.
Role of the Club Welfare Officer
Adult Safe Guarding
Brokenhurst Manor Golf Club is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all individuals involved in golf.
Safeguarding duties apply to an adult who:
• Has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and;
• Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect; and;
• As a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.
Children and Young People in Golf
Brokenhurst Manor Golf Club aims to:
• Provide a safe environment for children and young people participating in golfing activities and try to ensure that they enjoy the experience.
• Ensure robust systems are in place to manage any concerns or allegations.
• Support adults (staff, volunteers, PGA Professionals, coaches, members and visitors) to understand their roles and responsibilities with regard to their duty of care and protection of children.
• Provide appropriate level training, support and resources for staff, volunteers & coaches to make informed and confident responses to specific safeguarding issues and fulfill their role effectively.
• Ensure that children and their parents/carers are informed and consulted and, where appropriate, fully involved in decisions that affect them.
• Reassure parents and carers that all children and young people will receive the best care possible whilst participating in club activities and communicate Policy and Procedure to them through website/letter/consents.